Sunday, December 5, 2010


That's the Dutch word for snow. So appropriate! When it first started snowing, I was all "Ooooooh, so pretty". 4 days later when it was still snowing, and beginning to turn to slush and ice, I was all 
"Snow. Ew." 

 Poor Tulip, with a basket full of snow.
  (Yes, my bike's name is Tulip.)

My 'hood covered in snow:

The view from my bedroom window:
 (Where I stayed safe, warm and cozy with hot chocolate while catching up on Glee episodes.)

 Snow-covered canals at night. This city keeps getting prettier!
 If you look under the bridge, you can see some swans a swimmin'. I was so worried they were going to turn into swan popsicles. (So I took this picture of them. Really helpful.)

P.S. While I was enjoying (?) the sneeuw in Amsterdam, Lucy was enjoying the snow in Raleigh:


  1. SO pretty!!! Are those pictures taken from your phone? if so, what kind of phone do you have? Lisa E
