Saturday, February 13, 2010

He's Just Not That Into You

I headed off to Boston a few days ago, determined to make a change in my life. I had my cute/fancy/professional black bag, my grown up interview clothes, and what felt like a million copies of my resume. I had researched the schools that I wanted to interview with, and had my plan of attack for making them all want me. I knew I was destined for greatness. Then I got there.

These people meant business. My competition had business cards, headshots, and 2 page resumes listing their multitude of degrees. Really?!

The interview sign up was a combination of speed dating and sorority rush. The absolute worst parts of each all smushed into one hotel ballroom and two short hours. Waiting in line to try to get your resume in the hands of the decision makers. Not even having a chance to sit down before they rejected you. Being dumped before you even got to define the relationship, and walking away past the line of future girlfriends. Ew.

All that rejection made me brave though. I managed to talk my way into an interview with Amsterdam, #1 on my wish list of schools. Want to know my opening line? "I know I don't have the right qualifications, but I thought I'd try." Yup, I'm just that smooth. But it worked!

The interviews themselves may have been the most awkward experience in my life. They were held in the interviewer's hotel room.  In plain sight of beds and bathrooms. For real. Gives whole new meaning to the phrase "putting yourself out there", right?!

The awkwardness of the interviews was followed by the waiting. Checking my candidate mailbox to see if there were any notes from recruiters desperate to meet with me. Checking my phone to see if that guy from Aberdeen had called. He had double checked my phone number on my resume, that must mean he's going to call to schedule an interview? This experience had quickly turned me back into a middle school girl.

And then it happened. The email requesting a second interview with Amsterdam. The nerve wracking two hour wait. The moment before I knocked on the door (to the hotel room, of course!) when I really thought I might throw up. And then the good part, that's mostly a blur, when I was offered a job teaching second grade in an amazing school in Amsterdam.

The first thing I did when I woke up this morning? Check my contract to make sure that I hadn't made the whole thing up. I didn't. I'm moving to Amsterdam. Bananas.

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