Thursday, December 30, 2010

Pajama Party!

That's right. We wear matching flannel jammies. 
You know you're jealous. 

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

There's No Place Like Raleigh for the Holidays

There was the usual cookie baking extravaganza:

Followed by the cookie decorating extravaganza:

Culminating in the traditional pre-Christmas sugar high:

On Christmas morning, there were ponies for everyone:

Except for Lucy, who got a bone:

Did I mention that I brought a blizzard back with me?

There was some serious snuggling to be had:

We squeezed in a photo shoot for Dutch Tourism complete with Dutch jumpers, Dutch flutes, and a book about The Netherlands:

Lily kept me company while I got my toes did:

 And no visit to Raleigh is complete without a random dance party in a public place:

Monday, December 20, 2010

World's Best Welcoming Committee

After 23 hours of travel, on the last flight out of Heathrow (not exaggerating!), I was met at the airport (without my suitcase, of course), by my favorite people in the world: